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coursectl clone

Clones a course from the server.

$ coursectl clone the-joy-programming

This fectches the entire course and writes it as files into the current directory.

The generated files include: - course.yml file with course and chapter info - one file for each lesson with name $chapter_name/$ - one file for each exercise stored in exercises/$exercise_name.yml

coursectl configure

Prompts for site url and api credentials and saves them in ~/.config/frappe/config file.

$ coursectl configure
frappe_api_key: XXXX
frappe_api_secret: YYYY
write config to /home/anand/.config/frappe/config

The coursectl command supports multiple profiles and by default, it uses a profile with name default. A different profile can be configured by passing global option --profile.

$ coursectl --profile local configure
frappe_site_url: http://mon.localhost:8000/
frappe_api_key: XXXX
frappe_api_secret: YYYY
write config to /home/anand/.config/frappe/config

coursectl pull-lesson

Pulls a lesson from the server and saves it locally.

$ coursectl pull-lesson hello-python -- pulling lesson hello-python ...
writing file getting-started/

The lesson will be saved as $chapter/$


name: name of the lesson to pull

coursectl push-course

Updates the course and chapters from course.yml file.

$ coursectl push-course
Chapter getting-started: updated
Chapter drawing-shapes: updated

This also updates the lessons linked to each chapter, but it doesn't update the content of the lessons.

coursectl push-lesson

Pushes one or more lessons to the server.

$ coursectl push-lesson getting-started/ getting-started/ -- pushing lesson getting-started/ -- pushing lesson getting-started/


filenames: paths to lesson files to be pushed

coursectl version

Prints the version of the coursectl command.

$ coursectl version

coursectl whoami

Prints the email of the user with the specified api key.

$ coursectl whoami